Universe is Alive !
Universe is a plant !

Gravity explains soul.

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Taking care about Environment
Published on 15 April 2022
by Matthieu Giroux

Hippocrates had seen that our health was essentially due to our environment. Artificial matter can harm us. We are blent with environment as we grow alone each other. Isn’t that strange? So it is necessary to find that allows us to be healthy with nature. For example onions and sesame seed bring (…)

Life is Moving
Published on 15 April 2022
by Matthieu Giroux

We were created to be able to move around. We can’t go against that. So we have to move because we were created to move.

Acupuncture and Body
Published on 15 April 2022
by Matthieu Giroux

Acupuncture uses the skin’s microwaves to regulate our body. Our microwaves can be redirected to areas, them to be restored with acupuncture.

In the same way, Yoga makes it possible to relax the body to feel it. So body repairs itself.

What is the Mind ?
Published on 15 April 2022
by Matthieu Giroux

To understand each other it is necessary that there is an interaction, a feedback. When you talk to someone it goes only one way. For him to understand you, he need our minds to be connected. We are not related to the horse spirit so we only understand the horse spirit studying it.

So humans (…)

Our Mind filters
Published on 15 April 2022
by Matthieu Giroux

Our mind does not have the same dreams as other minds at the same time. So my mind is independent of the human mind. Contrary to what empiricism would like, I don’t have access to everything.

Our questions and our knowledge will make our dreams true. If we are sure, our dreams will not ask us (…)