Gravity explains soul.
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The waves emitted by the body therefore make it possible to create a wave field regulating particles. Universe is ordered by a field that regulates atoms with non-locality.
So we can’t represent atoms with balls. The field would have no influence with that. Infinitely small is influenced by (…)
Science wants to view atoms with billiard balls. So this does not include fields. So it specialized without including the whole thing. So it makes it easier to make mistakes with the whole. Researchers are looking for impossible because they no longer appreciate nature as a whole.
Morphic fields’ theory was discovered in 1920. Morphogenesis is organized with fields, according to Hans SPEMANN in 1921, Alexander GURWITSCH in 1922, Paul WEISS in 1923 and then Rupert SHELDRAKE. These fields were viewed as embryonic or morphogenetic.
Luc MONTAGNIER also proves this showing (…)
If plants and animals are created with fields, universe may be created also with these. Universe may also organize galaxies and planet systems with fields. There are no material traces of an origin of these fields.
Experiments were conducted on animals. The animals that had suffered a very strong brain injury kept the same performance. Monkeys who had their motor cortex removed could do the same movements again after 12 weeks.
There are many other such experiments. Rats were placed to get out of one (…)