Universe is Alive !
Universe is a plant !

Gravity explains soul.

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Matthieu Giroux
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This author wrote:
When we awaken of guessing real, it allows us to find solutions to our problems. We are no longer leaving the real world but guessing it. We see the world the way it is done. Nothing has changed (...)
Article published on 15 April 2022
We can imagine that universe as a body with tissues. Indeed galaxies should be the tissues, stars and their planets are the cells. Universe’s monads that, if we tell about Leibniz, are light. (...)
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BOHM worked on plasmas. He discovered that a plasma is same as a living entity that organizes itself. This is because a plasma exchanges the electrons of the atoms to stabilize the atoms. Thus a (...)
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Waves created by souls should act holographically, that is to say that these waves should create 3 dimensions’ space. Waves order matter. We could find our soul’s material views with (...)
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If the universe is alive, a long time should be necessary to know it. So universe’s speed is fast. On the other hand, our speed is slow because we will never be able to reach the end of life of (...)
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